CrowdStrike update

On Friday, the company CrowdStrike released an update for Windows® computers via the Internet. Afterwards, an error occurred that caused the entire Windows® operating system to crash with a Blue Screen of Death. After restarting, Windows® crashed again and was in a boot loop. Airports, banks, stores and other businesses around the world were affected.

There is a workaround:

  1. start in safe mode
  2. change to the folder c:\windows\system32\drivers\Crowdstrike
  3. select and delete the file “C-00000291*.sys”
  4. restart the computer
  5. download the revised update

This shows how sensitive our world has become due to digitalization and how a simple mistake can damage the whole world. In my opinion, you should know something about IT and be able to help yourself in an emergency, or at least try to. There are logs in which you can try to find out something.

In most cities there are hackspaces, a place full of technology enthusiasts and tinkerers. In Bochum/Germany it is “Das Labor” and in Dortmund/Germany it is “Chaostreff Dortmund”. They are happy when new people drop by and are curious. Maybe you have someone in your circle of friends who is familiar with Linux® and can teach you the basics. If you don’t enjoy it by then, then don’t do it. You have nothing to lose but some time. However, if you do enjoy it, then congratulations. You have a new hobby 😁

Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows NT®, Windows Server® and Windows VistaTM are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.

German Source:

Microsoft-Schätzung: Rund 8,5 Millionen Windows-Systeme von Crowdstrike betroffen

CrowdStrike: Update legt PCs & Server weltweit lahm, Workarounds helfen

CrowdStrike: Microsoft nennt Zahlen, Ursachenforschung dauert an

CrowdStrike-Fiasko: Neue Details zum fatalen Update, BSI warnt vor Angriffen

Weltweiter IT-Ausfall: Betrieb wird wieder aufgenommen

Crowdstrike-Ausfälle: Microsoft veröffentlicht Wiederherstellungstool

CrowdStrike-Fiasko: Der Null Pointer ist Schuld

English source:

CrowdStrike file update bricks Windows machines around the world

What is CrowdStrike, the company linked to the global outage?